
flaskdoc includes example projects which was used extensively to test the usability of the project. To run examples flaskdoc needs to be installed as dev using

$ pip install flaskdoc[dev]

Running Examples

Flaskdoc comes with a basic command line tool for running examples that demonstrates the various capabilities of the project


flaskdoc examples can be invoked as follows:

$ flaskdoc start -n <example>

Where example can either be one of

  • petstore

  • inventory

  • link-example

  • api-with-example

Petstore Example

Implements the standard petstore.swagger.io specification provided by swagger. To run petstore example:

$ flaskdoc start -n petstore

Inventory Example

Implements the simple inventory api provided by swaggerhub. To run inventory example:

$ flaskdoc start -n inventory

Visit http://localhost:15172/docs to see the UI