Welcome to flaskdoc’s documentation!

FlaskDoc is an extension of the puparley know to programmatically compose openapi specifications for flask endpoints as a part of code without needing to write a separate yaml file, and it comes with SwaggerUI embedded. Its main focus is on documentation which frees developers to focus on getting their services coded.

User’s Guide

This section provides documentation on how to get started using flaskdoc in your application.


Install flaskdoc via pip or add to your project requirements/dependency

$ pip install flaskdoc

Register OpenAPI

Add top level openapi objects like Info, Contact, License etc

import flask
from flaskdoc import register_openapi, swagger

app = flask.Flask()
# initialize app, add all the blueprints you care about

# Create top level OpenAPI objects
# the info object
info = swagger.Info(
        name="Rowland", email="r.ogwara@gmail.com", url="https://github.com/kulgan"
    license=swagger.License(name="Apache 2.0", url="https://www.example.com/license"),

# servers names and variables if necessary
servers = [swagger.Server(url="http://localhost:15172")]

# top level tags
tags = [
    swagger.Tag(name="admin", description="Secured Admin-Only calls"),
    swagger.Tag(name="developers", description="Operations available to regular developers"),

security_schemes = {
    "api_key": swagger.ApiKeySecurityScheme(name="api_key"),

# register spec
register_openapi(app, info=info, servers=servers, tags=tags, security=security_schemes)

This adds the following endpoints to your list

  • /docs

  • /docs/openapi.yaml

  • /docs/openapi.json

Start Documenting

Now start documenting you flask routes

blp = flask.Blueprint("Dummy", __name__, url_prefix="/v1")
    description="Posts an Echo",
    responses={"201": swagger.ResponseObject(description="OK")},
@blp.route("/echo", methods=["POST"])
def post():
    req = flask.request.get_json(force=True)
    return flask.jsonify(req), 200

A GET example with path parameter

blp = flask.Blueprint("Dummy", __name__, url_prefix="/v1")

    parameters=[swagger.PathParameter(name="sample", schema=str)],
    description="Retrieve echos wit Get",
        "200": swagger.ResponseObject(
            description="Success", content=jo.PlainText(schema=jo.Email()),
@blp.route("/echo/<string:sample>", methods=["GET"])
def echo(sample: str):
    Sample GET request
    Returns: Echos back whatever was sent

    return sample

Run your app and visit /docs to see the generated openapi specs.


Don’t hesitate to create a Github issue for any bugs or suggestions.

Indices and tables